Monday, January 5, 2009

58 things...

Gretchasketch has a sweet list of 100 Things about her, I was inspired. Problem is…I got to 58.

1. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ who is my savior.
2.I’m studying religion so I can go to seminary and become an ordained minister. Pastor Lili comin’ atcha in 2014! (apparently it takes a lot longer than I thought)
3. I have a VERY strong dislike for pickles. Call it hate.
4. I was born in Miami, raised in Hialeah, FL and am a first generation American.
5. I’m trying to be more proud of that.
6. Growing up in Hialeah meant every old person I met didn’t speak English, which means I grew up thinking once you got old you forgot how to speak English.
7. I still wonder sometimes.
8. I love croissants.
9. I had the same haircut for 15 years; it varied in length throughout the decade and a half, but was the same cut.
10. I am a middle child. Really…stereotype me.
11. I find myself becoming more and more like my mother as I get older, I don’t know if I should embrace this or fear it.
12. That also means I’m becoming like my grandmother.
13. I call my grandparents often and spend a good half hour each time.
14. When they answer the phone I always have a weird accent I respond to them in, it gets them almost every time.
15. I own a guitar and a harmonica.
16. I cannot play a musical instrument.
17. I have a tendency to start writing in journals and stop after a couple days.
18. I used to hide whatever money I had as a child in pill bottles, I was sure my cousins were going to steal from me.
19. I dance around a lot, but I am not by any means a good dancer.
20. When I was five years old I pulled out my two front teeth during SNICK. They were far from ready to be pulled, but we were going to the fair the next day and I wanted money to spend.
21. That means for six months I had purple gums and for two years I had no front teeth.
22. I used to practice stand up comedy in the shower when I was a little kid.
23. Now I practice sermons in my bedroom.
24. I’m at work right now.
25. People say I’m pretty funny, I think I’m moderately funny.
26. I’m the only left-handed person alive in my family. The other known lefties were thought to be geniuses; they were also thought to be crazy.
27. I know the capitol of every US State.
28. My mind has been blank for the last five minutes
29. I like to be optimistic, but usually I’m realistic which means I can be pretty pessimistic.
30. I have 3 Kelly Clarkson albums on my iTunes.
31. I also have Tyler Hilton. Don’t judge me.
32. I can make any situation awkward, give me 30 seconds.
33. I tend to wink a lot, it’s not a Sarah Palin wink, less dramatic. I don’t think it’s creepy.
34. I always challenge my father to eating contests hoping I’ll win.
35. I never win.
36. I think I’m quirky, I don’t know…maybe you could determine that.
37. I would consider myself a pretty competitive person.
38. Sometimes my mom calls me “Lilo” pronounce “lih—low.” You’re not allowed to call me that.
39. I have a VERY close relationship with my parents who I speak to everyday, sometimes more than once.
40. Some people hate text messaging, I like it a lot.
41. I want an iPhone, not because they’re trendy, because they’re awesome.
42. When I was a little kid I didn’t always like going to my Dad’s, so my mom gave me a picture of her just in case I missed her while I was gone. I took that picture on every vacation and slept with it under my pillow every other weekend for years.
43. I still have that picture, it makes my mother cry.
44. I have never planned my dream wedding.
45. I think, I, might use, commas, a little…too much….ellipses…also.
46. I am almost always up for a wrestling match even when I know I’m going to lose.
47. Sometimes clichés are the perfect way to put things and I’m not afraid to use them!
48. My friends are like stars…I can’t always see them but I know they’re there.
49. Okay, maybe that was a bit much. I just gagged a little.
50. I love filming short movies with my family, we edit them by rewinding and fast-forwarding on my camcorder before recording the next take.
51. My favorite thing to order at a restaurant is a cheeseburger, they’re hard to mess up and they are delicious.
52. My flan tastes like angel’s flan.
53. I don’t mind spending Friday nights at home with a couple good people and a movie.
54. My grandmother thinks I’m named after her, I’m really named after a character on a soap opera and Anjelica Houston.
55. If I had actually been named after her, my name would be Lirida Angelica. Phew!
56. I would LOVE to go on tour with a band someday. If you know someone who needs a merch-girl, hook me up.
57. I love getting to know new people, I’m entirely intrigued by every person I meet.
58. I love mailing people little care packages, let me know if you want one. I even try to be thoughtful.


Gretchen Alice said...

Hooray! That's so cool that you're going to be an ordained minister! What's with all the pickle hate? If it weren't for everything else that we had in common, I'd have to question our friendship. :D

Lili said...

I won't hold your love for pickles against you :)

I have always disliked them, cucumbers soaked in evil I say. I think the sweet midget pickles are the worst. They look like little troll fingers!!! But it's more than their appearance, it's the taste too...I just can't handle it.

Anonymous said...

I HATE pickles too!!! I wonder if it is genetic?